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Lady Searching the Net

Welcome to my epiphany moment!
I have been using QR Codes a lot with ID cards. QR codes are magical little images that include the link destination. When a QR Code reader interprets the picture, the result is the destination URL.

Each ID card has a QR Code that takes friends and clients to a cloud business card and user profile. This process works well when you meet people and want to share your cloud business card from your smart device.

Instagram profile Page showing ID cards on Instagram

I thought Instagram would be a great way to market, I could add the ID cards and potential users of Ucard.Cloud could see their value.

But if I add the ID card to Instagram, there isn’t any way of following the link to the destination page. Dilemma…

1. Instagram doesn’t have a way of adding a link to a post.
2. Instagram doesn’t allow you to save images from posts.
3. You can’t read a QR Code from your phone screen. It has to be via your camera.

Let’s fix Problem 3 first.

Google lens is a fantastic piece of free software that can read an image and compare it to other images stored in the vast Google database. By using Google Lens free software, you can also read QR codes on photos.

Now that we have Google Lens installed on our device, how can we save the image from Instagram to read with Google Lens?

Let’s fix Problem 2.

I use a Samsung Tablet and Smart Select software is included. It’s a type of screen crop software that lets me highlight an area of the screen and share it with other programs.

Using this type of program removes the need to take a screen capture, open the photo gallery, and then share the photo with Google Lens.

The Smart Select app is always available from the side of my screen and I drag over the image and share the result.

It’s a great tool.

With Smart Select I can now easily send an image from Instagram to Google Lens.

Google Lens reads the QR code and provides the link to the destination page.

The solution is a combination of Smart Select and Google Lens.

Smart select allows me to highlight the Instagram image and share it with Google Lens.

Google Lens then takes me to the QR Code destinations.

The process is relatively seamless and free.

Step 1. Open Instagram
Step 2. Select Smart Select from the side menu
Step 3 Highlight the image with the QR code and send it to Google Lens
Step 4 Open the link to the destination.

Screen capture of Google Lens reading a QR Code.

I have a feeling that I am going to see a lot more QR Codes on Instagram.

I am sure there are other apps for your device to replace smart select. I am interested in your solution.

Please message me via the live chat.

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