Category : Real Estate

Clint Harris

About Clint

A third-generation Toukley resident who was brought up along the pristine shores of the Central Coast, Clint Harris brings an intuitive level of market knowledge to his role as property partner at The Agency.

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Stephen Brodie

Stephen Brodie has been involved in Real Estate for over 40 years in the Hills District, having sold over 3500 homes, a multi-awarded agent, trainer and a licensed real estate agent and auctioneer and having owned his own business previously since 1985 there is no one more qualified to help you with your real estate needs!

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Stephen Lord | Sales Agent

Stephen LordPh: 02 8867 2000 Sales Agent Sales Agent, McGrath Real Estate Rouse Hill NSW Stephen Lord is an accomplished sales agent. Stephen knows that every client has different needs and so is dedicated to helping both buyers and sellers achieve their property...

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Property Launch Info

Property Launch Info61 2 9836 1076 Property Launch Marketing Real Estate Marketing focused on the initial property launch to the market. Talk to our team about a social media marketing plan for your property. Facebook, Twitter, Auction Events, Google Business,...

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